Explore and Learn with these Resources!
Looking for fun, family-friendly, bilingual activities to celebrate Hispanic culture? Check out our selection of activities!

Hands on Cultura
Join us at home or on the go, using these wonderfully accessible activities for learners of all ages.
How Museums Work
What is a Museum! | ¿Qué es un Museo?
Learn about museums with this wonderful bilingual activity that focuses on planning, designing, and building a model museum out of recycled materials.
The Collection Connection! | ¡La conexión con una colección!
Practice your curatorial skills in this bilingual activity, which explores an important element of museum work: curating.
Ask a Curator—Jadira Gurulé
Learn more about the curatorial process from an NHCC Art Museum Exhibition Curator: Jadira Gurulé! This interview can be enjoyed on its own or as a supplement to the How Museums Work lesson plan series.
Inspired by Artists
Make a Piñata Mural or Sculpture! | ¡Haz una Piñata/Escultura!
Inspired by artist Justin Favela, this bilingual activity guides learners of all ages through the process of making a piñata mural or sculpture.
Make a Collage! | ¡Haga un Collage!
Inspired by artist Valerie Roybal, this bilingual activity focuses on making collages and exploring different collage-making techniques.
Create a Rhythmic Work of Art | Crea una obra de arte rítmica
Inspired by artist Charles Fresquez, this bilingual activity helps learners create a work of art using colorful paper.
Let’s Weave! | ¡Vamos a Tejer!
Inspired by art in the NHCC Art Museum Permanent Collection, this bilingual activity guides creators through weaving their own masterpiece.
Recycled Piñatas! | ¡Piñatas Recicladas!
Inspired by the piñateros and their piñatas featured in the NHCC Art Museum’s permanent collection, explore the long-standing tradition of piñata-making using recycled materials in this bilingual activity!
Design Your Own Shapeshifter! | ¡Diseña tu propio cambiaformas !
In NHCC’s exhibit, Fronteras del Futuro: Art in New Mexico and Beyond, some of the artworks include “shapeshifters,” or beings that can change their form or embody multiple forms at the same time. Follow along on this bilingual activity to create your own shapeshifter! Need help finding images? Click on the button “Shapeshifter Image Collection” for downloadable images.
This collection of lesson plans explores a wide range of holiday traditions and celebrations from a variety of regions and cultures!
Make a Tapete! | ¡Haz un Tapete!
The bilingual activity Make a Tapete! | ¡Haz un Tapete! explores the tradition of making tapetes de arena (colorful artworks made out of sand) which are most commonly found in Oaxaca, México.
Make Barriletes! | ¡Hacer barriletes!
This bilingual activity focuses on the Guatemalan Festival de Barriletes Gigantes and guides you through the process of making your own barrilete, or kite.
Draw a Myth/Legend! | ¡Dibuja un mito/leyenda!
This bilingual activity, centered around La Calabiuza, an El Salvadoran celebration, provides information about three El Salvadoran myths and legends and guides you through the process of brainstorming and drawing your own myth or legend.
Make a Crown! | ¡Hagan una corona!
This bilingual activity explores Día de los Reyes or Día de los Reyes Magos (three kings’ day), also known as the Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 6th across Latin America, in Spain, and by Latinx communities around the world. Follow the procedure to make your own crown and learn more about the celebration.
Write an Erasure Poem | Escribe una Poesía de Borrado
Become a poet and celebrate Valentine’s Day with this exciting exploration of erasure poetry!
NHCC Valentine’s Day Mad Lib!
Brought to you by the NHCC Visual Arts Department, this Valentine’s Day Mad Lib is a fun activity to try with at least two people.
Valentine’s Day Pop-Up Card! | ¡Tarjeta Emergente de San Valentín!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this bilingual card-making activity.

Language Arts Activities
“Eye See” Visual Poetry
Create Your Own Book: Cartoneras
Pop-Up Books and More!
Write an Erasure Poem
Become a poet and celebrate Valentine’s Day with this exciting exploration of erasure poetry!

Social Studies Activities
El Voto Femenino
New Year’s Eve Around the Hispanic World